Saturday, October 17, 2009

Reader: Mr. Eash

People who have taken the challenge to read this book:
Megan W.
Mark N.
Ms. Libben
Mr. Schlemmer
Ashley S.
Nelson L.
Ashley L.
Mrs. Kavanaugh
Craig W.
Maddie P.
Chanise B.
Taylor H.
Sebastian B.
Mrs. Fisher
Jason T.
Laura G.
Nick W.

Available: During SSR or 6th period. Sometimes during B lunch.

Why I like this book:
Mr. Lowe recommended it. I had just read "Da Vinci Code" and "Angels and Demons", so I was in a Dan Brown mood. The book deals with cryptology and coding. I loved it.

Digital Fortress is the best and most realistic techno-thriller to reach the market in years. Dan Brown's ability to paint in living color the gray area between personal freedom vs. National security is awesome. The story line is so good, readers will feel a chilling thrill a minute as the book makes one think who is truly the terrorist and who is actually freedom's guardian.
(retrieved from Amazon Fri, 24 Apr 2009 07:58:05 -0400)


1 comment:

libbena said...

Admittedly, I'm not a fan of Dan Brown. I don't particulary enjoy his writing style. It feels a bit predictable and unoriginal. BUT, I could not put this book down. I found myself carrying it around everywhere I went. This book went with me to my classroom, to the car wash, to Wal-Mart (hey, those lines are pretty long sometimes . . .) My final assessment of this book is this: If you want a junk food book (one that's not necessarily good for you, but you crave it anyways), this is the book for you.